Weekly Updates ~ May 1-5 Catholic Education Week
During the week of April 30 to May 5, 2023, the Waterloo Catholic District School Board will celebrate the significant contribution that Catholic Education has made to the community, the province and Canada. Our Catholic Graduate Expectations challenge students to articulate in society those fundamental values that underpin Catholic education.
The theme for this year’s Catholic Education Week is: Catholic Education: We are Many, We are One (L’éducation catholique: À plusieurs, nous sommes un)
The theme for Catholic Education Week 2023 was inspired by the following considerations:
- The Church worldwide has embarked on a synodal process, “a synod on synodality,” which centres on intentional listening: listening to each other and listening to the Holy Spirit. We have each been asked to actively reach out and listen to the voices and experiences of people where they are at and consider what steps the Holy Spirit is inviting us to take as we walk together. As the Catholic Bishops of Ontario highlighted in Renewing the Promise, “It is about taking the time to walk alongside one another, to listen and to teach, and in doing so, to transform.”
- Ongoing recognition of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission and the importance of Indigenous culture and spirituality as we move forward together.
- The Ministry of Education’s focus on Inclusion and Equity resonates with all educators and administrators as we desire to serve all of God’s children and Pope Francis’ encyclical entitled, Fratelli Tutti, will guide us in this good work.
- The challenges to personal and spiritual well-being posed by the uncertainty of the current global crisis makes the timing and the concerns of Mental Health Week, which takes place during the same week as Catholic Education Week, all the more relevant.
There are five sub-themes, one for each day of Catholic Education Week. The five sub-themes for Catholic Education Week illuminate the path to being many and one. We achieve this unity…
- Monday: When we see / En voyant
- Tuesday: When we listen / En écoutant
- Wednesday: When we reflect / En réfléchissant
- Thursday: When we learn / En apprenant
- Friday: When we act / En agissant
Catholic Education Week is marked by special activities at all grade levels, including prayer celebrations and service activities. I invite you to mass on Thursday and to visit our school after mass to see the wonderful work of our staff and students of our system.
Congratulations to our Students on their First Communion!
Congratulations to all our students who celebrated their First Communion sacrament today at the church! Thank you to Father Peter and Iris Miltenburg for preparing our students for this special event. What a great way to kick off Catholic Education Week!
Thank You!
Thank you to all our parent volunteers to assisted us on Wednesday to keep our students safe at the Blue Jays game! And thank you to all the parents who supported this trip for our students!
Thank you to all the families who gave during our Fais Do Do Fundraising Event and the Maple Syrup Fundraising Event! We are happy to share that the Fais Do Do fundraising campaign resulted in a minimum of 21 bed kits for less fortunate children around the world. We also raised $250 for our school with our Maple Syrup fundraising event! Thank you for your generosity!
This Thursday, May 4th, we will have a mass at the Church starting at 10 am. Parents are invited to join us at the church for mass to help us celebrate Catholic Education Week. We appreciate and are thankful for the support of our community.
Thursday, May 4 (Evening event) – Folk Dance Information
It’s been several years since the Folk Dance event was at Albert McCormick, and adjustments had to be made for a successful event this year. The facility can only accommodate a maximum of 2 guests per folk dance student. Capacity in the stands is limited, with some additional standing along the top row and along the boards on the bench side of the rink. For the safety of all, they cannot exceed capacity.
Visitors are encouraged to arrive early; consider getting a ride, carpooling, biking, or using public transit when planning their trip to the Albert McCormick Community Centre. Miss Bauer will be sharing additional information.
Please have a look at what is coming up this week:
Monday, May 1
- Catholic Education Week and Mental Health Week begins
- New Umbrella Project Theme for the month – Integrity introduced
Tuesday, May 2
- 7:30 pm – Confirmation Session at the Church Hall
Wednesday, May 3
- Wear your Spirit Wear! Or wear red and/or blue
- Pizza Day (if you ordered through School Cash Online)
- Grade 2/3 School Trip to Play
Thursday, May 4
- 10 am Mass at the Church – Parents/Caregivers are welcome to attend, followed by a visit to the school (walk the halls) until lunchtime; please check in at the office
- Lunch Lady (if you ordered through School Cash Online)
- 2 pm Grade 4 Bible Celebration at the Church (Parents welcome)
- 5:30 pm Social Media and Online Safety Parent Event at St. Benedict, Cambridge
- 7 pm Folk Dance at Albert McCormick Arena, Waterloo
Friday, May 5
- Red Dress Day – wear red today
May 4 ~ Social Media and Online Safety Parent Event at St. Benedict, Cambridge
Sacramental Preparation Dates for Grade 7
Confirmation Information:
- Sessions May 2, 9, 16
- Confirmation Liturgy – Tuesday, May 30 @ 7:00 pm
A Message From Fr. Peter & Parish News
Please have a look at this week’s Parish Bulletin here:
In the bulletin, you will also find some events for the adults in the community. Be sure to check them out!
- Fridays – Join the Knights of Columbus for Fish Fry Fridays
- Saturday, May 6th – Knights of Columbus event
- Saturday, May 13th – Elegant Afternoon Tea//Roses For Life
- Wednesday, May 17th – Card Party for Big Friends of Big Sisters (Polish Legion)
- SAVE THE DATE: Friday, September 15th – Annual Garden Party
Region of Waterloo Libraries ~ 2023 Spring Programs
A full listing of events and registration can be found on the Events Calendar.
CSAC – School Council
Please go to our school webpage by visiting stteresaelmira.wcdsb.ca and clicking on the School Council tab to check out the minutes of our last meeting and also to learn more about our Catholic School Advisory Council. Everyone is always welcome to join our next meeting (virtually or in-person) on Tuesday, May 9th at 6pm. This is a change from the May 2nd date previously advertised. Come and see what it’s all about! If you cannot commit to joining our CSAC but would like to offer to volunteer for events when required, please email paula.pizarro@wcdsb.ca.
Click here to go directly to the CSAC webpage
CSAC Parent Outreach Letter 2022
Hot Lunches
- Wednesday – Twice The Deal Pizza
- Thursday – Lunch Lady (there are some gluten-free options available)
- Orders may be placed weekly or in advance for the entire length of the program.
Visit https://www.woolwichcommunityservices.org for the most up-to-date information. WCA Brochure
2023-2024 Extended Day Registration
Families who are interested in the program for next school year are encouraged to pre-register using this link: https://regionofwaterloo.onehsn.com/wcdsb/
Kindergarten Registration: Do you have a child at home born in 2018 or 2019? Register Today!
- A Welcome to Kindergarten Night will be held at our school on May 18th from 6 pm to 7 pm.
- Children born in 2019 are eligible for Year 1 of The Kindergarten Program (Junior Kindergarten)
- Children born in 2018 are eligible for Year 2 of The Kindergarten Program (Senior Kindergarten)
- NOTE: Children currently enrolled at St. Teresa of Avila School in Year 1 (JK) do not need to register for Year 2 (SK)
Link to information about the Kindergarten Program and how to register through ASPEN.
The Umbrella Project – Integrity
This month at the Umbrella Project we are excited to be focusing our energy on Integrity. Integrity is when we have a set of positive values and our actions in life match that set of positive values. If you look up integrity in the dictionary, it also means ‘wholeness’, when the things that we say and do match up with what we value.
Having integrity means that we can feel good about our choices all throughout life. It helps to bring the other Umbrella Skills together as well. Here’s a short introductory video from me about Integrity.
Find models of integrity.
Many studies have shown that humans learn through modeling others. One great way to build integrity in your child is to help them find positive role models who help them believe that it is possible to succeed without compromising our values. Having positive role models helps our children learn strategies for achieving their goals, decide what is socially acceptable and make a difference in the world. That’s why the Umbrella Project is filled with stories and examples of people using all of the Umbrella Skills to take on life.
Examples of integrity are everywhere so when you notice them in books, movies and stories be sure to talk about it with your kids. Look for examples of integrity in the people your children already admire and discuss them. Make integrity something that has value in and of itself. For example, there is value in not cheating on a test even though your friends did and got a better mark because of it. It’s choices like that that can make integrity difficult to use and it’s important that children see those they admire making these difficult decisions. Making choices with integrity is not always the easiest choice and our kids need lots of examples of integrity to understand why it is the better choice.
Learn from me why modelling is so important in this 2 minute video.
Chat soon,
Dr. Jen, The Umbrella Project
Additional Resources
Interested in learning more? Here are a few more short videos from me about Integrity.
- Ask yourself if you’re acting with integrity
- Self-efficacy is foundational to integrity
- Identify integrity role models
- List and reflect on important values
- Overcommitting compromises our integrity
- Reward your child for using integrity
Coming Up:
- May 10-June 14: EQAO for Grades 3 and 6
- May 18: Welcome to Kindergarten Night 6 pm
- May 22: Victoria Day
- June 2: P.A. Day
- June 27: Term 2 Report Cards Go Home
- June 29: Last Day of School