Monthly Archives: April 2023

Weekly Updates ~ May 1-5 Catholic Education Week

During the week of April 30 to May 5, 2023, the Waterloo Catholic District School Board will celebrate the significant contribution that Catholic Education has made to the community, the province and Canada. Our Catholic Graduate Expectations challenge students to articulate in society those fundamental values that underpin Catholic education.

The theme for this year’s Catholic Education Week is: Catholic Education: We are Many, We are One (L’éducation catholique: À plusieurs, nous sommes un)

The theme for Catholic Education Week 2023 was inspired by the following considerations:

  • The Church worldwide has embarked on a synodal process, “a synod on synodality,” which centres on intentional listening: listening to each other and listening to the Holy Spirit. We have each been asked to actively reach out and listen to the voices and experiences of people where they are at and consider what steps the Holy Spirit is inviting us to take as we walk together. As the Catholic Bishops of Ontario highlighted in Renewing the Promise, “It is about taking the time to walk alongside one another, to listen and to teach, and in doing so, to transform.”
  • Ongoing recognition of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission and the importance of Indigenous culture and spirituality as we move forward together.
  • The Ministry of Education’s focus on Inclusion and Equity resonates with all educators and administrators as we desire to serve all of God’s children and Pope Francis’ encyclical entitled, Fratelli Tutti, will guide us in this good work.
  • The challenges to personal and spiritual well-being posed by the uncertainty of the current global crisis makes the timing and the concerns of Mental Health Week, which takes place during the same week as Catholic Education Week, all the more relevant.

There are five sub-themes, one for each day of Catholic Education Week. The five sub-themes for Catholic Education Week illuminate the path to being many and one. We achieve this unity…

  •                              Monday:                             When we see / En voyant
  •                              Tuesday:                            When we listen / En écoutant
  •                              Wednesday:                       When we reflect / En réfléchissant
  •                              Thursday:                           When we learn / En apprenant
  •                              Friday:                               When we act /     En agissant

Catholic Education Week is marked by special activities at all grade levels, including prayer celebrations and service activities. I invite you to mass on Thursday and to visit our school after mass to see the wonderful work of our staff and students of our system.

Congratulations to our Students on their First Communion!

Congratulations to all our students who celebrated their First Communion sacrament today at the church! Thank you to Father Peter and Iris Miltenburg for preparing our students for this special event. What a great way to kick off Catholic Education Week!

Thank You!

Thank you to all our parent volunteers to assisted us on Wednesday to keep our students safe at the Blue Jays game! And thank you to all the parents who supported this trip for our students!

Thank you to all the families who gave during our Fais Do Do Fundraising Event and the Maple Syrup Fundraising Event! We are happy to share that the Fais Do Do fundraising campaign resulted in a minimum of 21 bed kits for less fortunate children around the world. We also raised $250 for our school with our Maple Syrup fundraising event! Thank you for your generosity!

This Thursday, May 4th, we will have a mass at the Church starting at 10 am. Parents are invited to join us at the church for mass to help us celebrate Catholic Education Week. We appreciate and are thankful for the support of our community.

Thursday, May 4 (Evening event) – Folk Dance Information

It’s been several years since the Folk Dance event was at Albert McCormick, and adjustments had to be made for a successful event this year. The facility can only accommodate a maximum of 2 guests per folk dance student. Capacity in the stands is limited, with some additional standing along the top row and along the boards on the bench side of the rink. For the safety of all, they cannot exceed capacity.

Visitors are encouraged to arrive early; consider getting a ride, carpooling, biking, or using public transit when planning their trip to the Albert McCormick Community Centre. Miss Bauer will be sharing additional information.

Please have a look at what is coming up this week:

Monday, May 1

  • Catholic Education Week and Mental Health Week begins
  • New Umbrella Project Theme for the month – Integrity introduced

Tuesday, May 2

  • 7:30 pm – Confirmation Session at the Church Hall

Wednesday, May 3

  • Wear your Spirit Wear! Or wear red and/or blue
  • Pizza Day (if you ordered through School Cash Online)
  • Grade 2/3 School Trip to Play

Thursday, May 4 

  • 10 am Mass at the Church – Parents/Caregivers are welcome to attend, followed by a visit to the school (walk the halls) until lunchtime; please check in at the office
  • Lunch Lady (if you ordered through School Cash Online)
  • 2 pm Grade 4 Bible Celebration at the Church (Parents welcome)
  • 5:30 pm Social Media and Online Safety Parent Event at St. Benedict, Cambridge
  • 7 pm Folk Dance at Albert McCormick Arena, Waterloo

Friday, May 5

  • Red Dress Day – wear red today

May 4 ~ Social Media and Online Safety Parent Event at St. Benedict, Cambridge

Sacramental Preparation Dates for Grade 7

Confirmation Information:

  • Sessions May 2, 9, 16
  • Confirmation Liturgy – Tuesday, May 30 @ 7:00 pm

A Message From Fr. Peter & Parish News

Please have a look at this week’s Parish Bulletin here:

In the bulletin, you will also find some events for the adults in the community. Be sure to check them out!

  • Fridays – Join the Knights of Columbus for Fish Fry Fridays
  • Saturday, May 6th – Knights of Columbus event
  • Saturday, May 13th – Elegant Afternoon Tea//Roses For Life
  • Wednesday, May 17th – Card Party for Big Friends of Big Sisters (Polish Legion)
  • SAVE THE DATE: Friday, September 15th – Annual Garden Party

Region of Waterloo Libraries ~ 2023 Spring Programs

A full listing of events and registration can be found on the Events Calendar.

CSAC – School Council 

Please go to our school webpage by visiting  and clicking on the School Council tab to check out the minutes of our last meeting and also to learn more about our Catholic School Advisory Council. Everyone is always welcome to join our next meeting (virtually or in-person) on Tuesday, May 9th at 6pm. This is a change from the May 2nd date previously advertised.  Come and see what it’s all about! If you cannot commit to joining our CSAC but would like to offer to volunteer for events when required, please email

Click here to go directly to the CSAC webpage

CSAC Parent Outreach Letter 2022

Hot Lunches 

  • Wednesday – Twice The Deal Pizza
  • Thursday – Lunch Lady (there are some gluten-free options available)
  • Orders may be placed weekly or in advance for the entire length of the program.


Visit for the most up-to-date information. WCA Brochure

2023-2024 Extended Day Registration

Families who are interested in the program for next school year are encouraged to pre-register using this link:

Kindergarten Registration: Do you have a child at home born in 2018 or 2019? Register Today!

  • A Welcome to Kindergarten Night will be held at our school on May 18th from 6 pm to 7 pm.
  • Children born in 2019 are eligible for Year 1 of The Kindergarten Program (Junior Kindergarten)
  • Children born in 2018 are eligible for Year 2 of The Kindergarten Program (Senior Kindergarten)
  • NOTE: Children currently enrolled at St. Teresa of Avila School in Year 1 (JK) do not need to register for Year 2 (SK)

Link to information about the Kindergarten Program and how to register through ASPEN.

The Umbrella Project – Integrity

This month at the Umbrella Project we are excited to be focusing our energy on Integrity. Integrity is when we have a set of positive values and our actions in life match that set of positive values. If you look up integrity in the dictionary, it also means ‘wholeness’, when the things that we say and do match up with what we value. 

Having integrity means that we can feel good about our choices all throughout life. It helps to bring the other Umbrella Skills together as well. Here’s a short introductory video from me about Integrity.

Find models of integrity.

Many studies have shown that humans learn through modeling others. One great way to build integrity in your child is to help them find positive role models who help them believe that it is possible to succeed without compromising our values. Having positive role models helps our children learn strategies for achieving their goals, decide what is socially acceptable and make a difference in the world. That’s why the Umbrella Project is filled with stories and examples of people using all of the Umbrella Skills to take on life. 

Examples of integrity are everywhere so when you notice them in books, movies and stories be sure to talk about it with your kids. Look for examples of integrity in the people your children already admire and discuss them. Make integrity something that has value in and of itself. For example, there is value in not cheating on a test even though your friends did and got a better mark because of it. It’s choices like that that can make integrity difficult to use and it’s important that children see those they admire making these difficult decisions. Making choices with integrity is not always the easiest choice and our kids need lots of examples of integrity to understand why it is the better choice.  

Learn from me why modelling is so important in this 2 minute video. 

Chat soon, 

Dr. Jen, The Umbrella Project

Additional Resources 

Interested in learning more? Here are a few more short videos from me about Integrity. 

Coming Up:

  • May 10-June 14: EQAO for Grades 3 and 6
  • May 18: Welcome to Kindergarten Night 6 pm
  • May 22: Victoria Day
  • June 2: P.A. Day
  • June 27: Term 2 Report Cards Go Home
  • June 29: Last Day of School

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

The staff and students at St. Teresa of Avila would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the Administrative Assistants today on “Administrative Assistant’s Day”.  YOU are the face of our schools.  The first smile that our students and families see when they come to us.  YOU are the medical expert, giving ice, providing tissues and paper towels, handing out medication and inhalers.  YOU are the mental health experts, calming bodies, minds and hearts with ease.  YOU are the ones that our students go to for everything they need; the ones that all staff go to for everything they need; and the ones that our Administrators go to for everything we need.  YOU are the one.

Behind every successful day at school – however, you measure that success – is YOU.  Today we recognize the sacrifices you make in your personal time, your family time and your lives for the good of the school.  We recognize the dedication you have to your communities and we recognize the challenges that you deal with – with ease.

Today we recognize YOU and the impact that you have on our world. You keep us all going!


Weekly Update ~ April 24-28

Good afternoon Tornado Families:

Happy Sunday to All! The weather is not as warm as the week before, but that’s okay. It is still nice to have time to recharge the batteries.

Thank you to all our Grade 8 parents who supported their children during their retreat last week! Thank you also to Mrs. Hartmann for looking after our students and supporting their faith journey.

Thank you to all the classes that participated in our water walk on Wednesday to celebrate Earth Day! Especially to Chief Kelly for helping our intermediate students fill the water jugs. Remember, every day is Earth Day, and we need to take care of our earth by putting trash in the garbage and following the 4 Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Refuse (to buy/to use things that use plastic packaging)!

Thank you to all the families who gave during our Fais Do Do Fundraising Event and the Maple Syrup Fundraising Event! The maple syrup will be arriving this week for pickup. We will notify families. We will share our final totals this week.

If you call the office or see Miss Racine on Wednesday, be sure to wish her a Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

Next Thursday, May 4th, we will have a mass at the Church starting at 10 am. Parents are invited to join us at the church for mass to help us celebrate Catholic Education Week. We appreciate and are thankful for the support of our community.

Thursday, May 4 (Evening event) – Folk Dance Information

It’s been several years since the Folk Dance event was at Albert McCormick, and adjustments had to be made for a successful event this year. The facility can only accommodate a maximum of 2 guests per folk dance student. Capacity in the stands is limited, with some additional standing along the top row and along the boards on the bench side of the rink. For the safety of all, they cannot exceed capacity.

Visitors are encouraged to arrive early; consider getting a ride, carpooling, biking, or using public transit when planning their trip to the Albert McCormick Community Centre. Miss Bauer will be sharing additional information.

Please have a look at what is coming up this week:

Monday, April 24

  • Practice empathy and kindness

Tuesday, April 25

  • 6 pm – First Communion Session at the Church Hall
  • 7:30 pm – Confirmation Session at the Church Hall

Wednesday, April 26

  • Wear your Spirit Wear! Or wear red and/or blue
  • Pizza Day (if you ordered through School Cash Online)
  • Administrative Professionals Day
  • Grade 4-8 Blue Jays Field Trip!

Thursday, April 27 

  • Lunch Lady (if you ordered through School Cash Online)
  • 6-8 pm Mastering Your Money (See info below)

Friday, April 28

  • Have a wonderful weekend!
  • ***Sunday, April 30 – 2 pm Grade 2 Sacrament of First Communion!

Thursday, April 27th (6-8 pm) ~ Mastering Your Money

May 4 ~ Social Media and Online Safety Parent Event at St. Benedict, Cambridge

Sacramental Preparation Dates for Grade 2 and Grade 7

  • Sessions with children –  April 25th @ 6 pm
  • First Communion practice – Saturday, April 29, 10 – 11 am
  • First Communion – Sunday, April 30 @ 2 pm

Confirmation Information:

  • Sessions April 25, May 2, 9, 16
  • Confirmation Enrolment – Saturday, April 29 @ 5 pm Mass
  • Confirmation Liturgy – Tuesday, May 30 @ 7:00 pm

A Message From Fr. Peter & Parish News

Please have a look at this week’s Parish Bulletin here: April 23 2023

In the bulletin, you will also find some events for the adults in the community. Be sure to check them out!

  • Fridays – Join the Knights of Columbus for Fish Fry Fridays
  • Wednesday, April 26th – Card Party
  • Thursday, April 27th 4-5 pm – Woolwich Counselling Centre: Glad To Be Me for ages 4-7
  • Thursday, April 27th – Fundraiser for the Catholic Missions in Canada
  • Saturday, May 6th – Knights of Columbus event
  • Saturday, May 13th – Elegant Afternoon Tea//Roses For Life
  • Wednesday, May 17th – Card Party for Big Friends of Big Sisters (Polish Legion)
  • SAVE THE DATE: Friday, September 15th – Annual Garden Party

Region of Waterloo Libraries ~ 2023 Spring Programs

A full listing of events and registration can be found on the Events Calendar.

CSAC – School Council 

Please go to our school webpage by visiting  and clicking on the School Council tab to check out the minutes of our last meeting and also to learn more about our Catholic School Advisory Council. Everyone is always welcome to join our next meeting (virtually or in-person) on Tuesday, May 2nd at 6pm. Please stay tuned, as this date may change this week. Come and see what it’s all about! If you cannot commit to joining our CSAC but would like to offer to volunteer for events when required, please email

Click here to go directly to the CSAC webpage

CSAC Parent Outreach Letter 2022

Hot Lunches 

  • Wednesday – Twice The Deal Pizza
  • Thursday – Lunch Lady (there are some gluten-free options available)
  • Orders may be placed weekly or in advance for the entire length of the program.


Visit for the most up-to-date information. WCA Brochure

2023-2024 Extended Day Registration

Families who are interested in the program for next school year are encouraged to pre-register using this link:

Kindergarten Registration: Do you have a child at home born in 2018 or 2019? Register Today!

  • A Welcome to Kindergarten Night will be held at our school on May 18th from 6 pm to 7 pm.
  • Children born in 2019 are eligible for Year 1 of The Kindergarten Program (Junior Kindergarten)
  • Children born in 2018 are eligible for Year 2 of The Kindergarten Program (Senior Kindergarten)
  • NOTE: Children currently enrolled at St. Teresa of Avila School in Year 1 (JK) do not need to register for Year 2 (SK)

Link to information about the Kindergarten Program and how to register through ASPEN.

The Umbrella Project – Self-Compassion

Watch your language

Most of us get so used to the way we criticize ourselves that we don’t even know we are doing it. However, the words we say to ourselves have power and direct our attention. Our inner critic is really a misguided attempt to help motivate and protect ourselves. The research shows that our inner critic is unlikely to have the effect we are hoping for and holds us back from our happiness and success. Our brain likes to be correct, so we unconsciously pick out the information from our environment that supports our beliefs. When we tell ourselves we are stupid, for example, we can’t succeed. When we carry broken beliefs, our brain selects the information in the environment that matches this belief and so we live into our thoughts.  

In addition, when we criticize ourselves in front of our kids they begin to feel we may be secretly judging them as harshly as we are judging ourselves. It’s hard to convince them we think they are beautiful just the way they are if they see us critiquing ourselves harshly in the mirror.  

The direct messages we give our children are important too. The language we use around them creates powerful self-talk that can help them or hold them back, make them feel well or hopeless. Try to be specific when you address your children instead of making generalized comments. There is a big difference between saying “you did something bad” versus “you are bad.” The first creates self-talk that can help the child take responsibility and move on. The latter doesn’t leave room for growth or change and can leave our kids feeling powerless.  

The same goes with praise. We want our children to feel responsible for their success so when we generalize and say “you are smart” instead of “you did very well on this specific thing” or “your hard work paid off,” we can accidentally make kids feel that everything is evidence that they are either smart or not and create a lot of anxiety around failure. Their self-talk becomes about avoiding anything that might risk them being proven unintelligent. Instead, praise the things your child can always control like effort and their umbrella skills.

In this short video, I talk about this concept of watching your language.

Until next time, 

Dr. Jen, The Umbrella Project

Additional Resources 

Interested in learning more? Here are a few more short and sweet videos about Self-compassion from me. 

Coming Up:

  • May 1-5: Catholic Education Week//Mental Health Week
  • May 4: 10 am Mass//Bible Celebration
  • May 10-June 14: EQAO for Grades 3 and 6
  • May 18: Welcome to Kindergarten Night
  • May 22: Victoria Day
  • June 2: P.A. Day
  • June 27: Term 2 Report Cards Go Home
  • June 29: Last Day of School

Pizza Lunch This Wednesday

Remember to cancel your pizza order for this week if you have a child(ren) in Grades 4 to 8 attending the Blue Jays game on Wednesday.

Kiss and Drop Off Zones and Parking Lot

Dear Parent(s)/Caregiver(s):

Thank you for all you do to keep our students safe!

We are sending out this gentle reminder that kindergarten parents are allowed to park in our parking lot to either drop off or pick up their child, and the parking lot at the church is available.

For safety reasons, we are asking that the “Kiss and Drop Off” zones be kept strictly for all other students who do not need to be walked by an adult. No one should be parking in the “Kiss and Drop Off” zones or exiting their car in these zones. There is a crosswalk zone from the parking lot in front of our school’s main office.

At the end of the school day, our buses sometimes have difficulty entering the parking lot due to traffic congestion. We kindly ask parents to try to use the church parking lot as much as possible to help with this situation.

Thank you so much for your understanding and for helping to keep our students safe.


Weekly Updates: April 17-21st

Good evening Tornado Families:

We have another four-day week ahead of us! We wish our Grade 8 students all the best this week as they embark on their Grade 8 Spiritual Retreat! On April 18th, WCDSB is hosting two speakers and our local Holocaust Education Committee of Waterloo Region at St. David High School. More details are below. This Friday is a PD Day and the students do not have school. Extended Day is also closed on Friday.

Direction of School Support

School Support Designation

As a property owner in Ontario, you are required to support a school board, even if you do not have children or your children are not currently attending school. By default, your school support is directed to your municipality’s English Public School Board.

In the case of a residential property occupied by tenants, they can direct the school support for that property.

Property owners, occupants, and tenants can select which school board they choose to support. Additionally, you will be able to vote in the next municipal election for trustees for the school board that you choose to support.

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is legislatively required to collect school support information and provide it in the assessment roll to every municipality and school board.

Changing your school support online

Based on your eligibility, property owners and tenants registered with MPAC can view and update the school support designation online.

To learn more about eligibility requirements or change your school support designation, please visit or scan the QR code.

What if I have difficulty updating my school support online?

A step-by-step guide is available on which will help users navigate MPAC’s school support portal. Alternatively, you can obtain the Application for Direction of School Support (ADSS) Form from or from your school board’s office. To register or for further assistance with the online school support tool, you can contact MPAC’s Customer Contact Centre at 1-866-296-6722 or 1-877 889-6722 (TTY).

Municipal Property Assessment Corporation contact information:
1340 Pickering Parkway, Suite 101
Pickering ON L1V 0C4
Email via:

Please have a look at what is coming up this week:

Monday, April 17

  • Earth Week Begins
  • CAT-4 continues for Grade 7

Tuesday, April 18

  • Grade 8 Retreat Begins!
  • 6-8 pm Holocaust Presentation at St. David’s School

Wednesday, April 19

  • Wear your Spirit Wear! Or wear red and/or blue
  • Pizza Day (if you ordered through School Cash Online)
  • CAT-4 ends for Grade 7 Students
  • Water Walk Day!

Thursday, April 20 

  • Lunch Lady (if you ordered through School Cash Online)
  • Grade 8 Students return from their Retreat!

Friday, April 21

  • PD Day – No School for Students – Extended Day CLOSED

Tuesday, April 18 (6-8 pm) ~ Holocaust Education Event

Planned for April 18th 6-8pm at St. David’s Catholic school– the WCDSB is hosting 2 speakers and our local Holocaust Education Committee of Waterloo Region.

~6-7 pm Gallery/walking style presentation in the St. David’s Foyer – Holocaust Education Committee of Waterloo Region

~7- 8 pm- Guest speakers –

  1. Andy Réti is a child survivor of the Holocaust. Born in 1942 in Budapest, he was only two years old when
  2.  his mother and grandmother were forced out of their home in Hungary and into a Jewish ghetto. Andy’s father and grandfather had already been moved to a forced labour camp. He was liberated from the Budapest ghetto on January 18, 1945, by the Soviet Red Army. He and his mother, grandmother and grandfather survived the horrors of the war through good fortune and grit. They immigrated to Canada shortly thereafter.
  3. Melissa Mikel- the director of education at FSWC (FRIENDS OF SIMON WIESENTHAL CENTER FOR HOLOCAUST STUDIES).  Her professional training is in education. Melissa has been involved with FSWC in a variety of capacities for the past 13 years, creating and implementing programming with the education team for students from elementary school through to university, as well as law enforcement personnel and educators about the Holocaust, genocide, antisemitism and racism.


Thursday, April 27th (6-8 pm) ~ Mastering Your Money

Kindergarten Registration: Do you have a child at home born in 2018 or 2019? Register Today!

  • A Welcome to Kindergarten Night will be held at our school on May 18th from 6 pm to 7 pm.
  • Children born in 2019 are eligible for Year 1 of The Kindergarten Program (Junior Kindergarten)
  • Children born in 2018 are eligible for Year 2 of The Kindergarten Program (Senior Kindergarten)
  • NOTE: Children currently enrolled at St. Teresa of Avila School in Year 1 (JK) do not need to register for Year 2 (SK)

Link to information about the Kindergarten Program and how to register through ASPEN.

Sacramental Preparation Dates for Grade 2 and Grade 7

Please make note of these dates for the Sacramental preparation as there have been a couple of changes:

  • Sessions with children –  April 18 and 25th @ 6 pm
  • First Communion Enrolment –  Saturday, April 15 @ 5:00 pm Mass or Sunday, April 16 @ 9:00 am Mass
  • First Communion practice – Saturday, April 29, 10 – 11 am
  • First Communion – Sunday, April 30 @ 2 pm

Confirmation Information:

  • Sessions April 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16
  • Confirmation Enrolment – Saturday, April 29 @ 5 pm Mass
  • Confirmation Liturgy – Tuesday, May 30 @ 7:00 pm

A Message From Fr. Peter & Parish News

Please have a look at this week’s Parish Bulletin here: April 16 2023

In the bulletin, you will also find some events for the adults in the community. Be sure to check them out!

  • Fridays – Join the Knights of Columbus for Fish Fry Fridays
  • Tuesday, April 18th – Prayer Shawl Ministry
  • Wednesday, April 26th – Card Party
  • Thursday, April 27th 4-5 pm – Woolwich Counselling Centre: Glad To Be Me for ages 4-7
  • Thursday, April 27th – Fundraiser for the Catholic Missions in Canada
  • Saturday, May 13th – Elegant Afternoon Tea
  • SAVE THE DATE: Friday, September 15th – Annual Garden Party

FREE WCDSB Summer Learning Programs

Waterloo Catholic District School Board and St. Louis Adult Learning & Continuing Education are committed to supporting your child’s continued learning. In July and August this year, there are several FREE learning options available for elementary students that will ignite, support and challenge students toward success and preparation for the next grade.

Find the programs listed by date and grade that best suit your student’s needs.

Visit for program details, dates, and registration links.

Elementary – in-person

  • Summer Fun with Languages (JK-Grade 8)
  • Summer Boost (Grades 1-6)
  • Summer Expedition (Grades 6-8)
  • HeadStart (Grade 8)

First Secondary Credit for Grade 8 students – in person

  • Bridge to Success – HIF1O (open to Grade 8 students only)
  • Exploring Engineering – TDJ1O (open to Grade 8 & 9 students only)

Because these programs are offered outside of the instructional school year, parents much complete a registration form for the summer program they are enrolling their child in. CHOOSE ONE to enrol your child in, except for HeadStart offered in August.

*All program offerings are subject to change and/or enrolment

Region of Waterloo Libraries ~ 2023 Spring Programs

A full listing of events and registration can be found on the Events Calendar.

CSAC – School Council 

Please go to our school webpage by visiting  and clicking on the School Council tab to check out the minutes of our last meeting and also to learn more about our Catholic School Advisory Council. Everyone is always welcome to join our next meeting (virtually or in-person) on Tuesday, May 2nd at 6pm. Please stay tuned, as this date may change this week. Come and see what it’s all about! If you cannot commit to joining our CSAC but would like to offer to volunteer for events when required, please email

Click here to go directly to the CSAC webpage

CSAC Parent Outreach Letter 2022

Hot Lunches 

  • Wednesday – Twice The Deal Pizza
  • Thursday – Lunch Lady (there are some gluten-free options available)
  • Orders may be placed weekly or in advance for the entire length of the program.

Please read the following document that shows you how to order:  How-to-Order-Guide (St. Teresa Avila)


Woolwich Community Services provides many different programs and supports for our community. Have a look at the posters for upcoming programs at The Hub. Families can follow them on social media or join their E-Blast by visiting their website at for the most up-to-date information.

WCA Brochure


It is important that any student not feeling well should stay home and also follow the guidance of the screening tool found on our school website.  The screener was last updated in February 2023.

2023-2024 Extended Day Registration

Families who are interested in the program for next school year are encouraged to pre-register using this link:

The Umbrella Project – Self-Compassion

Treat yourself as you would treat a good friend.  

Children who are low in self-compassion are often very hard on themselves. They can feel isolated and alone in their struggles and have a hard time moving on from failures. From a parenting perspective, it can be very difficult to convince children with low self-compassion that people aren’t judging them as harshly as they are judging themselves.

One of the easiest ways to help your child practice their self-compassion is to start one step outside themselves. Ask them to think about how they would treat a good friend who is struggling and then reflect on whether they treat themselves with the same care. 

This exercise is beneficial for everyone and most people are quite surprised when they take a moment to listen to what they say to themselves. The phrase “we are our own worst enemy” rings true here.

Here are a few simple steps to follow when you notice your child’s self-criticism is becoming detrimental to their wellbeing: 

  1. Have them bring to mind a good friend or someone they care about and imagine it is their friend, and not them, experiencing the struggle.  
  2. Ask your child these questions:

What would you say to your friend in this situation? How would you treat them?

What do you think would happen if you said the same things to your friend that you are saying to yourself? Would it help them?

  1. Help your child remember that they can be a good friend to themselves. Remind your child they should offer themselves the same amount of love, compassion, forgiveness and respect as they offer everyone else.

Health & Happiness, 

Dr. Jen, The Umbrella Project

Additional Resources 

Interested in learning more? Here are a few more short and sweet videos about Self-compassion from me. 

Region of Waterloo Public Health Message ~ Immunization for Students Grade 7 to 12

If your child receives their vaccines, please ensure the information is being sent directly to Public Health; the school does not collect this information.

Information can be sent via:

Coming Up:

  • April 26: Blue Jays Trip (Gr. 4-8)
  • May 1-5: Catholic Education Week
  • May 22: Victoria Day
  • June 2: P.A. Day
  • June 27: Term 2 Report Cards Go Home
  • June 29: Last Day of School

Weekly Updates: April 10-14

Good afternoon Tornado Families:

First of all, we would like to thank all the families who came to see our Passion Play this morning at the church. The students of our school were terrific as they brought the Passion according to the Gospel of Matthew to life! Thank you to the grade 7 students for their wonderful acting. Thank you to Madame and Mrs. D’Arcy for preparing the students. Thank you to Mrs. Hartmann for the beautiful costumes. Thank you to Mrs. Russell, Miss Bauer, Madame and Mr. Gallipeau for sharing their gift of music. And thank you to Father Peter for letting us take over the parish to share our Passion.

We would also like to wish Mrs. Puchkova, one of our outstanding early childhood educators, all the best as she and her family welcome a new member to their family in the near future.

Please have a look at what is coming up this week:

Monday, April 10

  • Easter Monday ~ No School

Tuesday, April 11

  • Grade 4 & 6 Laurel Creek Trip
  • 6-8 pm CSAC Meeting (if you would like to attend virtually or in person, please email Mrs. Pizarro at

Wednesday, April 12

  • Wear your Spirit Wear! Or wear red and/or blue
  • Pizza Day (if you ordered through School Cash Online)
  • CAT-4 begins for Grade 7 Students

Thursday, April 13 

  • 10 am Easter Liturgy
  • Lunch Lady (if you ordered through School Cash Online)

Friday, April 14

  • Dental Screening

Kindergarten Registration: Do you have a child at home born in 2018 or 2019? Register Today!

  • A Welcome to Kindergarten Night will be held at our school on May 18th from 6 pm to 7 pm.
  • Children born in 2019 are eligible for Year 1 of The Kindergarten Program (Junior Kindergarten)
  • Children born in 2018 are eligible for Year 2 of The Kindergarten Program (Senior Kindergarten)
  • NOTE: Children currently enrolled at St. Teresa of Avila School in Year 1 (JK) do not need to register for Year 2 (SK)

Link to information about the Kindergarten Program and how to register through ASPEN.

Sacramental Preparation Dates for Grade 2 and Grade 7

Please make note of these dates for the Sacramental preparation as there have been a couple of changes:

  • Sessions with children –  April 11, 18 and 25th @ 6 pm
  • First Communion Enrolment –  Saturday, April 15 @ 5:00 pm Mass or Sunday, April 16 @ 9:00 am Mass
  • First Communion practice – Saturday, April 29, 10 – 11 am
  • First Communion – Sunday, April 30 @ 2 pm

Confirmation Information:

  • Sessions April 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16
  • Confirmation Enrolment – Saturday, April 29 @ 5 pm Mass
  • Confirmation Liturgy – Tuesday, May 30 @ 7:00 pm

A Message From Fr. Peter & Parish News

Please have a look at this week’s Parish Bulletin here: April 2 2023

In the bulletin, you will also find some events for the adults in the community. Be sure to check them out!

  • ALTAR SERVERS WANTED: if you are in Grade 4 and older, check out the Bulletin
  • Friday, April 7th – Good Friday Fish Fry Maryhill Community Centre
  • Wednesday, April 26th – Card Party
  • Thursday, April 27th – Fundraiser for the Catholic Missions in Canada
  • SAVE THE DATE: Friday, September 15th – Annual Garden Party


FREE WCDSB Summer Learning Programs

Waterloo Catholic District School Board and St. Louis Adult Learning & Continuing Education are committed to supporting your child’s continued learning. In July and August this year, there are several FREE learning options available for elementary students that will ignite, support and challenge students toward success and preparation for the next grade.

Find the programs listed by date and grade that best suit your student’s needs.

Visit for program details, dates, and registration links.

Elementary – in-person

  • Summer Fun with Languages (JK-Grade 8)
  • Summer Boost (Grades 1-6)
  • Summer Expedition (Grades 6-8)
  • HeadStart (Grade 8)

First Secondary Credit for Grade 8 students – in person

  • Bridge to Success – HIF1O (open to Grade 8 students only)
  • Exploring Engineering – TDJ1O (open to Grade 8 & 9 students only)

Because these programs are offered outside of the instructional school year, parents much complete a registration form for the summer program they are enrolling their child in. CHOOSE ONE to enrol your child in, except for HeadStart offered in August.

*All program offerings are subject to change and/or enrolment

Fais Do Do Lenten Social Justice Fundraiser ~ Bedkits (ends April 11th)

As part of our Lenten Social Justice Fundraiser this year, St. Teresa of Avila School is running a fundraiser for the charity Sleeping Children Around the World until Tuesday, April 11, 2023, after the Easter weekend. Fais Dodo Fundraiser

Sleeping Children Around the World is a nonprofit organization that provides bed kits for children in need worldwide. Bedkits are manufactured or purchased overseas by their Overseas Volunteer Partners (OVPs) – local organizations and individuals – who use their knowledge and expertise to pick the best bed kit items for the children in that area. Producing bed kits locally provides additional benefits such as employment for dozens of workers, virtually no transportation costs, and strengthening communities.

The bed kits contain a mattress, a bedsheet, mosquito netting to cover several persons, a backpack, a T-shirt and shorts or skirt, a towel, school supplies and books. A complete kit costs $40. One hundred percent of the donations go towards providing the bed kits. We are asking for donations as small as $2 so that each classroom can pay for one whole kit. If families would like to donate a complete bed kit at $40, that is also available. For every $20 donated, a tax receipt will be issued to recipients from the charity. All donations need to be made through School Cash Online, as we cannot receive cash donations.

Sleeping Children Around the World has helped more than 1.7 million children in 36 countries experience healthy sleep through the gift of a bed kit.

Sleep is like magical fuel for children. It has the power to make them feel better, think better and play better. Let’s give the magic of sleep to every child every night.” – Dr. Reut Gruber, Ph.D. Psychologist Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
Director, Attention Behavior and Sleep Lab, Douglas Mental Health University Institute.

Please check out this website for more information 

Maple Syrup Mini-Funraiser (ends April 16th)

This year St. Teresa of Avila C.E.S. is partnering up with the Knights of Columbus to run a mini fundraiser by selling bottles of locally-bottled pure maple syrup! Starting now until April 16th, you will have the opportunity to purchase a 500 ml bottle of Canada Grade A, Amber (Rich Taste) Maple Syrup for $15. This delicious bottle of goodness is made from sap from our local trees and bottled locally.  

Once the bottles are dropped off to us around April 19th, we will send small orders home with students. Larger orders will be available for pickup anytime after April 19th between 9 am to 3 pm. If this timeframe does not work, we will be accommodating. Five dollars from each bottle sold will be donated towards different school initiatives. Please purchase your bottle through Schools Cash Online. It makes a great gift and goes well on pancakes, sausage, — or spaghetti if your name is Buddy the Elf. Order closes April 16th, with delivery on April 19th. 

Region of Waterloo Libraries ~ 2023 Spring Programs

A full listing of events and registration can be found on the Events Calendar.

CSAC – School Council – Date Change for Next Meeting

Please go to our school webpage by visiting  and clicking on the School Council tab to check out the minutes of our last meeting and also to learn more about our Catholic School Advisory Council. Everyone is always welcome to join our next meeting (virtually or in-person) on Tuesday, April 11th at 6pm. Please stay tuned, as this date may change this week. Come and see what it’s all about! If you cannot commit to joining our CSAC but would like to offer to volunteer for events when required, please email

Click here to go directly to the CSAC webpage

CSAC Parent Outreach Letter 2022

Hot Lunches 

  • Wednesday – Twice The Deal Pizza
  • Thursday – Lunch Lady (there are some gluten-free options available)
  • Orders may be placed weekly or in advance for the entire length of the program.

Please read the following document that shows you how to order:  How-to-Order-Guide (St. Teresa Avila)


Woolwich Community Services provides many different programs and supports for our community. Have a look at the posters for upcoming programs at The Hub. Families can follow them on social media or join their E-Blast by visiting their website at for the most up-to-date information.

WCA Brochure


It is important that any student not feeling well should stay home and also follow the guidance of the screening tool found on our school website.  The screener was last updated in February 2023.

2023-2024 Extended Day Registration

Families who are interested in the program for next school year are encouraged to pre-register using this link:

The Umbrella Project – Introducing Self-Compassion

Stop judging yourself as a parent so harshly!

Parenting is one of the toughest jobs in the world. Children don’t come with step-by-step instructions and there is a reason that millions of parenting books exist, all with different solutions to the same problems. Just like snowflakes, each child is completely unique and therefore responds differently to the world and our attempts to guide them. How many times has an idea worked brilliantly for one of your children and not at all for the next? Ever feel like one day you have this parenting thing nailed and the next day want to give up completely? Such is the nature of raising another human with their own agenda and parents deserve to treat themselves with a high level of compassion on the tough days.

Unfortunately, research and experience show us that this is not the case. As parents, we are terrible critics of our own best efforts to raise our children and we now know that the more we judge our own parenting, the more likely it is that our child will develop symptoms of anxiety and depression.

The solution? Less self-blame and more non-judgemental acceptance of our own parenting skills. In other words, show our children what self-compassion looks like in action. None of us are perfect parents, you will make mistakes and that’s OK!  

It sounds simple but remember that most of us have a very vocal inner critic, evaluating our every move. Start by noticing your own self-judgement and then try to think of what you might say to a good friend who was in the same situation. Say these words to yourself and remember, beating yourself up in an effort to be a better parent is having the opposite effect on your child’s wellbeing. Instead, take ownership of your feelings and choices, recognize when you make mistakes, apologize, keep learning and move on.  

You’ve got this!

Dr. Jen, The Umbrella Project

Additional Resources 

Interested in learning more? Here are a few more short and sweet videos about Self-compassion from me. 

Region of Waterloo Public Health Message ~ Immunization for Students Grade 7 to 12

If your child receives their vaccines, please ensure the information is being sent directly to Public Health; the school does not collect this information.

Information can be sent via:

Coming Up:

  • April 12-19: CAT-4 Grade 7
  • April 18: Holocaust Education Event
  • April 18-20: Grade 8 Spiritual Retreat
  • April 20: Earth Day; Bible Celebration
  • April 21: P.A. Day
  • April 26: Blue Jays Trip (Gr. 4-8)
  • May 1-5: Catholic Education Week
  • May 22: Victoria Day
  • June 2: P.A. Day
  • June 27: Term 2 Report Cards Go Home
  • June 29: Last Day of School

Happy Easter Weekend!

Dear Tornado Families and our Community:

The entire staff at Saint Teresa of Avila would like to wish all of you a very Happy Easter!

We look forward to hearing how your family experienced the Paschal Mystery when everyone returns to school on Tuesday, April 11, 2023.

Have a blessed Easter weekend!

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